7:23 AM: 30:55 (5.0mi, 6:11/mi)
What a struggle it was to get out of bed this morning. It was hammering it down outside and I considered hitting the snooze on my alarm but instead braved the conditions. Once out there it surprisingly wasn't too bad and I actually ran fairly quick for a morning run. This was probably because i just wanted to get home for some breakfast but its always nice to run at a decent pace and feel easy. I should probably note here that I always run the same five mile route in the morning. It is out and back along the river on a cycle path and doesn't involve any hills so i can keep things easy - my coach wants me to run 6:20/mi in the morning. Quick shower and change then off to work for another lonely day in the shop, with Keith away doing some testing for Adidas.

18:12 PM: 22:16 w/u (3.0mi, 7:25/mi)
18:58 PM: 2 x 1 mile (10 mins rec), Reps 4:32, 4:31. (3.02mi total)
19:26 PM: 22:46 c/d (3.0mi, 7:35/mi)
After work, which pleasingly wasn't overly busy, I headed straight up the track and had a quick chat with Bowser about his race and exploits in Germany this weekend. It turns out he may well be pacing my race on Saturday, I am just hoping he doesn't do a Bowser special and run a 2:30 first k - only joking mate. The aim of the session was to run at 3k pace so in the region of 4:30 pace which is just inside 8:30 pace and thankfully the rain had eased off. Had Matt Blunden join me on the session, but I still dictated the pace for the whole four laps on both reps. The first rep was reasonably tough and I felt quite stiff in my arms and just didn't seem to have any zip in my legs. However, the second rep felt a lot better and although it was ran at a similar pace, it felt much more controlled. Overall, pleased with the session as it is always hard to hit target pace when you are dictating the pace and have no-one to chase. Still felt fresh after the session and a good sign ahead of Saturday that my legs are in good condition. Was meant to do 4 x 150 strides but forgot and went straight into my cool down, so will try to knock these out after my steady run tomorrow evening. Back to another night of chicken and potatoes (all I can cook properly) as Jenny is still at her parents, it turns out she is useful after all.
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