Monday 19th April
7:39 AM – 32:08 (5.0mi, 6:26/mi)
Usual morning running, no problems.
17:58 PM – 50:34 (8.0mi, 6:23/mi)
Tuesday 20th April
9:15 AM – 37:35 (5.0mi, 7:33/mi)
Easy morning run in Nettleham with Tom, really gentle felt a bit tired.
18:19 PM – 22:21 w/u (3.0mi, 7:30/mi)
19:01 PM - 2 x 5 mins (2min rec), 2 x 2 mins (2 min rec), 8 x 30sec (30 sec rec), (5.09mi total).
Decent session around the common cricket pitch with Tom and Matt, ran 4.45 and 4.50 for a mile within the 5 min reps and hit the 30 second reps pretty hard.
19:43 PM – 18:20 c/d (2.22mi, 8:15/mi)
Wednesday 21st April
8:56 AM – 62:07 (10.0mi, 6:13/mi)
Usual out and back sort of route, started steady picked it up on the way back home slightly, but always kept things nice and controlled.
20:15 PM – 35:00 (5.0mi, 7:00/mi)
Easy run with Tom around the golf course.
Thursday 22nd April
7:20 AM – 31:17 (5.07mi, 6:10/mi)
Usual morning run out and back along the river, felt a lot better.
18:15 PM – 20:40 w/u (2.71mi, 7:37/mi)
18:57 PM – 8 x 500 (1 min rec), (3.07mi total). Reps 83.8, 82.2, 83.6, 84.9, 82.8, 82.9, 83.0, 80.3.
Decent enough session, Sam stayed with us for 5 of the reps because he has been ill, worked the rest with Tom and Shane.
19:28 PM – 20:00 c/d (2.48mi, 8:04/mi)
Friday 23rd April
18:00 PM – 38:09 (6.50mi, 5:52/mi)
Felt fairly good in the evening so decided to head out and run controlled 6 minute miles. Sixth mile was 5:40ish and it felt nice and easy always a good sign.
Saturday 24th April
7:25 AM – 32:27 (5.0mi, 6:30/mi)
Nice and easy morning run, no problems.
17:50 PM – 15:01 w/u (2.0mi, 7:30/mi)
18:08 PM – 10 min tempo (5 min rec), 10 x 200m (200 rec), (4.81mi total). Ran 2.04mi for the tempo (4:51 and 4:57) then 32.0, 31.4, 30.4, 30.1, 30.0, 30.3, 30.6, 29.9, 29.3, 29.5.
Warm for the session, ran the tempo with Tom and it felt tougher than expected. Then for the 200s went off with Tom and Ronny but they were running 28s as my legs can not manage much quicker than 30! Shane enjoyed watching my legs shuffle along in comparison to the others.
18:52 PM – 16:39 c/d (2.01mi, 8:18/mi)
Sunday 25th April
9:13 AM – 73:42 (11.5mi, 6:25/mi)
Total Weekly Mileage – 88.46mi – Decent week including three good sessions. Just short of the 90 mile target but couldn’t be bothered to do a second run on the Sunday as the weather was good and thought I would actually catch up on my social life (if you can call it that!)
Monday 26th April
18:12 PM – 51:30 (8.5mi, 6:04/mi)
Pushed the pace a little bit as I didn’t run this morning as planned.
Tuesday 27th April
7:20 AM – 32:07 (5.0mi, 6:25/mi)
18:22 PM – 23:25 (3.0mi, 7:48/mi)
19:03 PM – 2 x 1000, 600, 400 (400, 200 rec and 10 min between sets), (3.95mi total). 2:48.7, 1:38.6, 63.4 and 2:49.9, 1:37.3, 63.3.
Not the best of sessions but solid enough had to do the reps on my own as Sam wasn’t running.
19:40 PM – 19:55 (2.41mi, 8:16/mi)
Wednesday 28th April
9:01 AM – 61:35 (10.0mi, 6:10/mi)
20:20 PM – 34:48 (5.31mi, 6:33/mi)
Thursday 29th April
18:22 PM – 21:19 (2.84mi, 7:31/mi)
19:00 PM – 8 x 600m (400m rec), (4.76mi total). Reps were 1:42.2, 1:40.1, 1:41.0, 1:41.2, 1:41.8, 1:40.0, 1:40.6, 1:37.1. Good solid session aim was to hit 3k pace which we managed to just dip under.
19:39 PM – 11:12 (1.27mi, 8:49/mi)
Friday 30th April
8:37 AM – 33:52 (5.05mi, 6:43/mi)
Saturday 1st May
17:25 PM – 65:26 (10.0mi, 6:33/mi)
Sunday 2nd May
11:37 AM – 85:22 (14.01mi, 6:06/mi)
Felt good today, kept the first ten miles at a steady pace and dropped below 6 minute mileing for the last four. Ran around Witham into Woolsthorpe and Colsterworth so nice and undulating.
17:55 PM – 28:30 (4.00mi, 7:08/mi)
Out and back in South Witham, nice and relaxed, no problems.
Total Weekly Mileage – 80.1 miles
Monday 3rd May
10:41 AM – 45:32 (7.06mi, 6:27/mi)
17:16 PM – 44:59 (6.62mi, 6:48/mi)
Steady run in South Witham, just nice and controlled with tomorrow’s race in mind.
Tuesday 4th May
10:42 AM – 36:57 (5.0mi, 7:24/mi)
Easy morning run out and back in South Witham.
17:52 PM – 15:10 w/u (2.03mi, 7:27/mi)
18:33 PM – 8:34.0 (Stetford 3000), (1.95mi total). 1k splits were 2:48, 2:52, 2:54. Died a bit towards the end after hitting 8:30 pace at 2k, just think I need a few more races in my legs before I crack 8:30. Good PBs for all of us who went across, Sam just behind me after going off like a rocket and Tom a little further back again suffering in the last k.
19:00 PM – 32:31 c/d (4.0mi, 8:09/mi)
Wednesday 5th May
8:47 AM – 65:05 (10.0mi, 6:30/mi)
Steady ten, just wanted to keep things controlled after racing last night.
20:32 PM – 34:33 (5.0mi, 6:55/mi)
Thursday 6th May
18:27 PM – 20:01 w/u (2.71mi, 7:23/mi)
19:00 PM – 2 x 6 x 250m (150 rec, 8 mins between sets), (3.68mi total). Reps were 39.8, 41.0, 39.4, 40.3, 39.4, 39.9 and 39.3, 39.3, 39.9, 39.9, 41.1, 39.1. Tough to get going tonight legs still a little tired after the 3k on Tuesday and didn’t want to blast anything to hard with the race on Sunday in mind.
19:31 PM – 32:23 c/d (4.28mi, 7:34/mi). Had to run home from the track and went round the common.
Friday 7th May
7:36 AM – 31:46 (5.0mi, 6:22/mi)
19:08 PM – 61:54 (10.0mi, 6:11/mi)
Saturday 8th May
7:20 AM – 37:07 (5.0mi, 7:26/mi)
Easy run down the river in full tracksuit as it was freezing.
17:21 PM – 36:14 (5.0mi, 7:15/mi)
Easy run with Tom around the golf course, glad I didn’t do the 1500m at the Counties today as the weather was horrible and freezing for this time of year.
Sunday 9th May
10:58 AM – 15:01.0 shakeout (2.07mi, 7:16/mi)
14:52 PM – 21:50 w/u (2.72mi, 8:02/mi)
15:50 PM – 15:01 (County Champs 5000, 1st), (3.24mi total). 1k splits from memory were 2:54, 3:01, 3:05, 3:03, 2:58. Switched off a bit in the middle of the race probably because it was so windy and the fact that I was just chasing people I was lapping. Solid effort a bit disappointed to not dip under 15 minutes but the wind and lack of competition was probably more to blame. Think in different circumstances I could have run sub 14:50 today.
17:35 PM – 36:06 c/d of sorts (5.05mi, 7:09/mi)
Total Weekly Mileage: 90.41 Miles – Good week with two PBs and a decent week in terms of mileage. Also, pleasing that after both races I feel that I have more to come and those times over 3000 and 5000 can definitely be improved upon.
Monday 10th May
7:28 AM – 32:28 (5.0mi, 6:30/mi)
18:10 PM – 47:29 (8.0mi, 5:56/mi)
Tuesday 11th May
18:11 PM – 23:17 (3.02mi, 7:42/mi)
19:00 PM – 6 x 3 mins (2 min rec), (5.0mi total)
Reps 3:01 (0.61mi, 4:58/mi), 3:00 (0.62mi, 4:49/mi), 3:00 (0.63mi, 4:45/mi), 3:00 (0.63mi, 4:44/mi), 3:00 (0.62mi, 4:53/mi), 3:00 (0.62mi, 4:49/mi).
Good session on the grass behind the track, worked well with Sam.
19:44 PM – 23:06 (3.0mi, 7:43/mi)
Wednesday 12th May
9:50 AM – 49:04 (8.0mi, 6:08/mi)
Cut the run a bit short as I had to fit in a morning massage and a haircut in preparation for a job interview tomorrow.
20:28 PM – 34:06 (5.0mi, 6:50/mi)
Nice easy run around the golf course.
Thursday 13th May
8:09 AM – 40:14 (6.5mi, 6:12/mi)
Comfortable run, feeling really good, didn’t manage a second run due to interviews.
Friday 14th May
7:27 AM – 61:43 (10.0mi, 6:10/mi)
Felt really good and pushed the pace on the second half of the run.
19:25 PM – 40:59 (6.51mi, 6:18/mi)
Arrived at my brother’s house late afternoon in preparation for the Woodbridge 10k on Sunday. Ran in Ipswich, past the hospital towards the track and back through the cemetery. Felt really nice and relaxed and feel ready to run a decent time on Sunday.
Saturday 15th May
9:31 AM – 45:39 (6.75mi, 6:46/mi)
Ran around Ipswich from my brothers house, warm morning and nice to run around some old haunts. Stopped off mid-run at the Sweatshop in Ipswich where I used to work, nice being back home.
Sunday 16th May
8:26 AM – 15:11 shake-out (2.0mi, 7:35/mi)
11:18 PM – 18:34 w/u (2.56mi, 7:16/mi)
12:00 PM – 31:41 (Woodbridge 10k, 1st) (6.24mi, 5:05/mi)
Mile splits 4:54, 5:10, 5:00, 5:21, 5:05, 4:54, 75secs for (0.24mi)
Won the race comfortably by a good few minutes, but it was a lot tougher than I expected. I wanted to run a decent time on my home town course and break the course record of 32:20. However, it is a really hilly course and worth probably a minute in that respect. Was pleased in reflection to see that I ran a decent sixth mile and nice to actually get the course record and win in front of the family.
12:39 PM – 10:01 c/d (1.29mi, 7:47/mi)

Monday 17th May
7:09 AM – 34:49 (5.0mi, 6:58/mi)
Legs stiff so kept the run nice and easy.
17:59 PM – 51:32 (8.0mi, 6:30/mi)
Run with Tom to Skellingthorpe and back along the cycle track, legs still feel tight from yesterday.
Tuesday 18th May
9:25 AM – 35:00 (5.0mi, 7:00/mi)
Run with Tom around Nettleham, quads still sore.
18:02 PM – 24:47 (3.14mi, 7:54/mi)
19:01 PM – 3 x 1200m (10 min rec). (4.15mi total) Reps were 3:30, 3:26, 3:19.
The aim was to run the reps at 3k pace so around 3:24s but the first rep was a bit of a shambles and the second was controlled but we just switched off a bit. So, on the last rep I had a lot left but still felt a bit tired in my quads so couldn’t finish off with a decent last 200m.
19:35 PM – 15:36 c/d (2.0mi, 7:49/mi)
Wednesday 19th May
8:37 AM – 50:56 (8.0mi, 6:22/mi)
Tom was only doing 8 mile and I felt a little tired so cut the ten mile run a bit short.
20:19 PM – 31:17 (5.0mi, 6:16/mi)
Easy run around the common and the golf course felt good this evening.
Thursday 20th May
7:28 AM – 31:52 (5.0mi, 6:25/mi)
18:16 PM – 20:57 w/u (2.63mi, 7:57/mi)
19:03 PM – 10 x 400m (400 rec), (4.95mi total). Reps 63.4, 62.8, 64.0, 64.2, 63.3, 63.4, 63.2, 63.9, 63.5, 62.0.
Solid session worked well with Sam and Will to keep the reps at a consistent pace.
19:42 PM – 16:38 c/d (2.0mi, 8:20/mi)
Friday 21st May
18:53 PM – 34:50 (5.0mi, 6:58/mi)
Saturday 22nd May
7:23 AM – 31:48 (5.0mi, 6:22/mi)
Usual morning easy run out and back along the river.
17:27 PM – 16:51 w/u (2.4mi, 7:02/mi)
17:52 PM – 4 x 5 mins (3 min rec), (4.84mi total). Mile splits within the reps were 4:44, 4:53, 4:53, 4:52. Ran the session around the cricket pitch on the common, ran around groups of people playing football or sun-bathing because it was still extremely hot. They looked at me as if I was some kind of freak on the first rep but once I kept going they kind of accepted that I was crazy and let me get on with it.
18:23 PM – 18:51 c/d (2.53mi, 7:28/mi)
Sunday 23rd May
8:58 AM – 75:02 (12.19mi, 6:09/mi)
Hardest run I have done for a while as it was so warm even when I started. I usually don’t mind running in the heat, however the problem is that in this country the weather change is so sudden it makes it hard to adjust for those one off hot days. I was shattered by 6ish miles and only ran the rest of the run at a decent pace so I got home quicker.
19:23 PM – 34:13 (5.0mi, 6:51/mi)
Waited till the weather cooled down a bit then went for an easy run around the common and the golf course.
Total Weekly Mileage: 91.83 miles – Good solid week of running, may cut the mileage slightly next week if I can get into the inter-counties. The weather looks set to change again next week and get a lot colder, why cant we just have a few weeks of constant warm weather, it might make up for the weeks of freezing weather this winter.
Monday 24th May
7:01 AM – 31:54 (5.0mi, 6:23/mi)
17:55 PM – 10:27 w/u (1.42mi, 7:21/mi)
18:12 PM – 28:00 (5.0mi, 5:37/mi). Mile splits were 5:32, 5:46, 5:38, 5:36, 5:27.
Aim was to run a 5 mile run at 5:35s with Tom and it was pretty much ran to plan except a slowish second mile.
18:43 PM - 11:28 c/d (1.6mi, 7:11/mi)
Tuesday 25th May
16:45 PM – 22:06 w/u (3.0mi, 7:22/mi)
17:21 PM – 2 x 8 x 1 min (75 sec, 6 mins between sets). (6.4mi total)
Good solid session on my own round a cricket pitch in Woolsthorpe, as I was still in South Witham after being for an interview in Ely. Felt nice and strong even at the end of the session, which was quite long for a session at this time of year.
18:12 PM – 21:19 c/d (3.0mi, 7:07/mi)
Wednesday 26th May
9:30 AM – 43:23 (7.10mi, 6:07/mi)
Usually run a ten miler on Wednesday mornings but had some writing tasks for an interview I had been for the previous day. So cut things a little short and will run an extra few miles to make things up this evening.
19:57PM – 47:12 (8.0mi, 5:54/mi)
Ran home from work, felt good so intended to run 6 min miles but went a little quicker.
Thursday 27th May
6:44 AM – 31:55 (5.0mi, 6:23/mi)
Easy morning run had to wake up a little earlier as Jenny had a job interview and needed the car.
18:11 PM – 23:29 w/u (3.0mi, 7:51/mi)
18:59 PM – 400 (4 min rec), 600 (6 min rec), 1000 (6 min rec), 600 (4 min rec), 400. (3.33mi total). Reps 60.6, 1:38.3, 2:44.7, 1:36.1, 61.2.
Decent session the idea was to run the 400s at 800 pace, the 600s at 1500 pace and the 1000 just a bit quicker than 3k pace. So the only rep which was a bit slow was the first 600 as I misjudged what pace we were running. Ran most of the session with Sam and Will but they pulled away on the last 400 as my legs gave up after front running the two previous reps.
19:35 PM – 24:57 c/d (3.2mi, 7:48/mi)
Friday 28th May
18:07 PM – 35:57 (5.0mi, 7:12/mi)
Set out for an easy run with Tom who led me into some fields and through some stinging nettles in search of a bridge to cross over a river so we could get back to his, he had no idea where it was. Once we found it the field on the other side was so rutted we had to walk till we reached the road, rubbish run Tom, one to definitely not do again, shocker.
Saturday 29th May
7:30 AM – 31:51 (5.0mi, 6:24/mi)
17:55 PM – 22:26 (3.04mi, 7:22/mi)
18:21 PM – 2 x 2 mile (5 mins rec), (4.61mi total). Times were 10:14 (5:14, 5:00) and 9:59 (5:04, 4:55). Did the session on quiet country roads and cycle paths and worked pretty hard as I was on my own because Tom was running the BMC at Sport City. I had aimed at running around 10 mins for both the reps but started a bit too easy on the first mile, I think this was just simply because I didn’t have anyone else to work with.
18:48 PM – 18:15 c/d (2.4mi, 7:37/mi)
Sunday 30th May
11:05 AM – 73:22 (12.0mi, 6:07/mi). Did out and back route in South Witham because of the fact it was ridiculously windy and after the first six miles were into the wind, I decided that was enough and just turn back and it was so much easier. First time I have ever felt like the wind was actually blowing me along and opened my legs for the last couple of miles. Mile splits were 6:24, 6:16, 6:20, 6:20, 6:16, 6:21, 6:05, 6:02, 5:57, 5:56, 5:45, 5:35.
19:21 PM – 30:05 (4.5mi, 6:42/mi)
Easy evening run in South Witham, undulating loop, still really windy.
Total Weekly Mileage: 91.6 miles – A solid week again, was planning on doing the 5000 at the inter-counties, however, Lincolnshire seem not to be interested in letting athletes compete for them. Really disappointed to miss out running a 5000 this weekend as I didn’t bother entering the BMC at Manchester with this in mind. Just found out that the race was won in 14:50ish so I could have easily been in the medals if not winning the race, so even more annoyed at the incapability of our county now. However, life goes on and I intend on running a 3000 at Stretford on Tuesday instead, looking at breaking 8:30, and then all being well running around 14:45 for 5000 at the Watford BMC a week on Saturday, work permitting.
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