Monday 7th June:
17:52 PM: 10:59 w/u (1.54mi, 7:09/mi)
18:11 PM: 27:40 tempo (5.0mi, 5:32/mi)
18:42 PM: 10:49 c/d (1.48mi, 7:17/mi)
See Blog - http://runninguk.blogspot.com/2010/06/my-world-cup-dilemma.html
Tuesday 8th June:
7:23 AM: 30:55 (5.0mi, 6:11/mi)
18:12 PM: 22:16 (3.0mi, 7:25/mi)
18:58 PM: 2 x 1 mile (10 mins rec), Reps 4:32, 4:31. (3.02mi total)
19:26 PM: 22:46 c/d (3.0mi, 7:35/mi)
See Blog - http://runninguk.blogspot.com/2010/06/typical-british-weather.html
Wednesday 9th June:
6:30 AM: 32:42 (5.0mi, 6:33/mi)
Easy morning run before my massage, went to a different guy than usual and it seems to have had a good effect. Have had a tight left hamstring for a few weeks and he worked on it and seems to have loosened it up a bit.
17:58 PM: 45:21 (7.0mi, 6:29/mi)
Didn't have to work till 8pm tonight so went out for a steady run with Tom and Les Ball. Just an out and back route in Nettleham.
Thursday 10th June:
11:16 AM: 40:00 (6.0mi, 6:40/mi)
Nice easy run with Saturday in mind, in Witham as had a day off work and felt really good.
18:27 PM: 39:17 (6.2mi, 6:20/mi)
Easy run but at every mile mark did 30 second accelerations, was always nice and controlled.
Friday 11th June:
Always intended to have this day off or a five mile easy run. But, after work I felt a little ill and decided it would be sensible to just take the day off. So, settled down to watch the France game which turned out to be one of the worst games I have ever seen.
Saturday 12th June
20:21 PM: 24:00 w/u then strides and drills (3.0mi, 8:00/mi)
21:55 PM: 14:30.74 (3.1mi, 4:40/mi)
22:28 PM: 16:27 c/d (2.0mi, 8:15/mi)
Delighted with the time and how the race unfolded, but there are a couple of reasons why I think I can go quicker. First of all, I had been working all day and was on my feet for most of that time. Secondly, from Friday night I had been suffering with the start of a cold or hayfever and didn't feel sharp all day, so not ideal. Lastly, I arrived at Watford at about quarter past seven and headed straight to the hut to watch the England game and wasted a lot of nervous energy and neglected a proper warm up in order to watch the shambles which unfolded. I have one thing to say to Mr. Capello, get rid of Robert Green - you should never trust an ex-Norwich player.

Sunday 13th June
11:26 AM: 68:19 (11.0mi, 6:13/mi)
After a good sleep just went out to do a fairly steady eleven miler. My cold which I thought would hit me today has subsided and despite my calves being a little tight managed a decent pace throughout.
Total Weekly Mileage - 65.34 Miles - Always planned to cut the mileage for this week and felt nice and fresh by doing so. Hopefully over the next three weeks I can put in a few miles and have a decent run out over 1500m and then hit another 5000m either at Solihull or the England champs. Was hoping to add a video of the race yesterday to the blog, but it turns out it was the only race which wasnt filmed!
Nice mate, still hitting PBs shows your in pretty good shape even with the world cup as a distraction. Good luck for the next couple of weeks, I'll look out for how close to that 14:20 mark you get as the season unfolds.