Monday 8th March
Rest Day - legs a bit tight from the race on Sunday.
Tuesday 9th March
11:31AM - 30:47 steady (5.00mi, 6:09/mi)
6:25PM - 11:58 w/u (1.42mi, 8:27/mi)
7:01PM - 8 x 3 mins grass session, 2 mins rec, (6.46mi total). Splits 3:02 (0.6mi, 5:07/mi), 3.00 (0.59mi, 5:06/mi), 2:59 (0.61mi, 4:55/mi), 3:00 (0.61mi, 4:56/mi), 3:00 (0.6mi, 5:02/mi), 2:59 (0.62mi, 4:48/mi), 3:00 (0.59mi, 5:03/mi), 3:00 (0.6mi, 5:01/mi).
Ran the first five with Sam, but had to manage the last three on my own. The last three felt slower, however on reflection they are just as quick as the earlier reps.
7:46PM - 12:11 c/d (1.52mi, 8:03/mi)
Wednesday 10th March
9:00AM - 61:31 (10.0mi, 6:09/mi) Splits 6:08, 6:11, 6:19, 6:14, 6:11, 6:02, 6:08, 6:09, 5:58, 6:10.
Thursday 11th March
6:29PM - 15:48 w/u (1.99mi, 7:56/mi)
6:57PM - 10 x West Parade Loop (0.47mi), (6.05mi total). Splits 2:24, 2:28, 2:26, 2:27, 2:26, 2:25, 2:23, 2:25, 2:26, 2:18.
Good session as ran solo with many doing inter counties at the weekend. The loop has a hill in it and the last time I did it, ten days before running 31:20 for 10k, I averaged 2:27. So a big improvement and good sign that I can go sub 31:30 at Lincoln.
7:39PM - 16:54 c/d (2.0mi, 8:28/mi)
Friday 12th March
7:38AM - 31:14 steady (5.0mi, 6:15/mi)
6:08PM - 62:01 steady (10.0mi, 6:12/mi). Splits 6:18, 6:08, 6:16, 6:15, 6:19, 6:14, 6:06, 6:09, 6:06, 6:08.
Saturday 13th March
7:38AM - 30:55 steady (5.0mi, 6:11/mi)
5:24PM - 16:25 w/u (2.16mi, 7:36/mi)
5:53PM - 20:44 tempo (4.0mi, 5:11/mi). Splits 5:01, 5:14, 5:16, 5:13.
Very windy around the 3k loop and it just happened to be on the stretch that was uphill making matters even more difficult. Good solid run though.
6:14PM - 15:24 c/d (1.9mi, 8:06/mi)
Sunday 14th March
9:08AM - 77:24 Long Run (11.38mi, 6:48/mi).
Came back to Lincoln to do long run with Tom and Bowser. Much of it was off road and the time reflects that. Legs didn't feel great so decided to cut the 90 minute run a bit short.
Total Weekly Mileage - 73.88mi. Another good solid week and three decent sessions. Hopefully get another week at around 85 miles next week and have a meeting with my coach on Monday to discuss the track season. So, next week I hope to have my summer racing schedule all in place and have some definite events to target.
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