After two and a bit weeks of enjoying some Australian sunshine it was back to the mileage. However, the week consisted of slightly less miles than usual, in order to ease back into it again.
Monday 1st March
7:00AM - 37:55 easy (5.16mi, 7:21/mi)
Tuesday 2nd
10:40AM - 31:11 steady (5.00mi, 6:14/mi)
6:20PM - 16:30 w/u (2.00mi, 8:15/mi)
7:00PM - 5 x 1 mile (400 rec),(6.17mi total). Splits 4.44, 4.49, 4.50, 4.48, 4.50.
7:46PM - 8:40 c/d (1.02mi, 8:31/mi)
Wednesday 3rd
8:58AM - 60:52 steady (10.00mi, 6:05/mi). Splits 6.12, 6.07, 6.14, 6.03, 6.13, 5.59, 6.05, 6.06, 5.56, 5.57.
Thursday 4th
7:36AM - 31:56 steady (5.00mi, 6:23/mi)
6:18PM - 18:37 w/u (2.43mi, 7:48/mi)
6:47PM - 10 mins tempo (1.91mi), 8 x millman hill, 10 mins tempo (1.86mi), (6.00mi total).
7:31PM - 12:46 c/d (1.42mi, 9:01/mi)
Friday 5th
6:44PM - 53:25 steady (8.54mi, 6:15/mi). Splits 6.19, 6.08, 6.22, 6.25, 6.06, 6.21, 6.17, 6.01, 3.25 (0.54mi).
Saturday 6th
Planned Rest Day
Sunday 7th
9:39AM - 7:19 w/u (1.01mi, 7:16/mi).
10:35AM - 70:38 Grantham Half Marathon (2nd) (13.14mi, 5:23/mi). Splits 5.02, 5.16, 5.10, 5.16, 5.17, 5.41 (1st BIG hill), 5.35, 5.15, 5.26, 5.20, 5.59 (2nd MASSIVE Hill), 5.16, 5.17, 0.44.
12:25PM - 7:03 c/d (0.83mi, 8:33/mi)
Total Weekly Mileage 67.72mi. Steadier week just to get back into it. Ran the half just to assess current fitness and believe the time was worth about 69 minutes because of the hills. Slightly disappointed to come second after leading for 8 miles but just didn't have the strength in the legs after the hills.
Few pictures from the Half Marathon:

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