Monday 15th March
7:31AM - 30:58 (5.0mi, 6:12/mi)
17:57PM - 49:38 (8.0mi, 6:12/mi)
Tuesday 16th March
9:30AM - 30:10 (5.0mi, 6:02/mi)
18:14PM - 24:33 w/u (3.0mi, 8:11/mi)
18:57PM - session 3 x 5 mins grass (3 mins rec) then 4 x 150m strides on track. (4.63mi total). 5.00 (0.99mi), 5:00 (1.01mi), 5:00 (1.01mi). 23, 23, 23, 22.
19:37PM - 13:07 c/d (1.51mi, 8:42/mi)
Ran the first few reps on the grass with Sam, but pushed the last minute or so on the last rep. Just an easy session with the 10k on Sunday, just nice to keep the legs moving well.
Wednesday 17th March
8:02AM - 62:37 (10.0mi, 6:16/mi)
20:36PM - 31:56 (5.0mi, 6:23/mi)
Thursday 18th March
7:38AM - 30:51 (5.0mi, 6:10/mi)
18:30PM - 55:02 (7.05mi, 7:48/mi)
Did the evening run with Matt, Tom, Les and John around the 10k route. Just a very easy jog, realised the route isn't that fast as there are two sections which could be into the wind and are on a slow incline.
Friday 19th March
6:26AM - 35:26 (5.0mi, 7:05/mi)
18:00PM - 35:58 (5.0mi, 7:12/mi)
Two very easy five milers, did the morning run early as I went to have a massage before work. My shins have been very sore recently and Gary noted that this had in turn affected my left calf which was very tight. I think that I need to change my shoes next week and stop wearing so many lightweight shoes for my steady runs. I wish I could have a massage every week as they make such a difference to my legs, they just feel so relaxed in the days just after.
Saturday 20th March
Sunday 21st March
10:08AM - 16:31 w/u (2.0mi, 8:15/mi)
11:04AM - 31:36 Lincoln 10k (6.23mi, 5:04mi) 4:42, 4:59, 5:13, 5:06, 5:08, 5:17, 1:09
11:52AM - 29:05 c/d (2.90mi, 10:02/mi)
Race didn't particularly go to plan, as went off a bit too hard in chase of Bowser, Doe and Raeside. Ian Kimpton was alongside me to 2 miles and then he worked hard to push on and catch Valentine of Bolton who was falling off the lead three. I just didn't have the power in my legs to go with him and after also passing Valentine at 5k was in no mans land for the rest of the race. The course also didn't help with the time as the long inclines were mind numbingly boring and seemed to go on forever.