22nd March to 28th March - Weekly Total 90.31 Miles
With my shins being sore did no sessions in the week just good solid miles. Bought Nike Structure Triax for all my steady runs and they seem to be working wonders for my shins.
29th March to 4th April - Weekly Total 85.39 Miles
Managed to get a cold on Friday evening which stopped me running for some of the weekend. Still got some good sessions out though, 2 sets of 10 x 300m (46.7, 46.8, 46.4, 46.8, 47.9, 47.2, 47.5, 46.5, 47.9, 47.0 and 48.0, 46.7, 47.3, 47.2, 47.8, 47.8, 47.7, 47.4, 47.4, 46.6) and 2 x 10 mins tempo with 5 min jog recovery (1.94mi and 2.00mi). The track session times were not spectacular by any means, but its a good start to the summer speed work.
5th April to 11th April - Weekly Total 61.75 Miles
Cold continued through to Thursday and had Tuesday and Wednesday completley off after coughing and spluttering on my Monday runs. Got a decent session in on Thursday of 4 sets of 2 x 500 (200 jog, 6 mins between sets), (1:18.3, 1:20.6, 1:19.2, 1:20.0, 1:19.0, 1:20.9, 1:18.4, 1:20.0). Averaged just under 1:20s which is 4-minute 1500m pace so pleased with how it went, was good to have a group of four of us pushing the pace.
Monday 12th April
7:30AM - 31:23 (5.0mi, 6:17/mi)
17:58PM - 50:32 (8.19mi, 6:10/mi)
Good evening run with Tom, ran a bit off road on the Heron route, as Chris Fullerton calls it (that boy loves his birds). Decent pace throughout but felt nice and controlled, did some hill sprints on the side of the common afterwards.
Tuesday 13th April
10:34AM - 31:11 (5.0mi, 6:15/mi)
18:21PM - 19:48 w/u (2.57mi, 7:43/mi)
18:53PM - 3 sets of 3,2,1 mins on grass (75sec jog, 3 mins between sets)(5.2mi total). 3:02 (0.59mi, 5:07/mi), 2:01 (0.42mi, 4:51/mi), 1:00 (0.22mi, 4:38/mi). 3:02 (0.63mi, 4:51/mi), 2:00 (0.41mi, 4:53/mi), 1:00 (0.21mi, 4:48/mi). 3:00 (0.63mi, 4:46/mi), 2:00 (0.42mi, 4:44/mi), 1:00 (0.22mi, 4:38/mi).
19:34PM - 18:29 c/d (2.23mi, 8:19/mi)
Solid enough session did most of the running with Matt Blunden, extremley windy on one of the sides of the football pitches.
Wednesday 14th April
9:23AM - 63:20 (10.0mi, 6:20/mi)
Perfect pacing for once, felt nice and controlled. Ran out and back on the river bank so managed to get a few miles done on the grass again.
Thursday 15th April
18:19PM - 19:38 w/u (2.55mi, 7:43/mi)
19:00PM - 2 sets of 6 x 400 (200 jog, 5 mins between sets) (4.91mi total). Reps 64.4, 65.2, 65.4, 65.2, 64.7, 64.6 and 65.5, 65.5, 65.4, 65.3, 64.2, 63.8.
19:40PM - 21:33 c/d (2.54mi, 8:29/mi)
Good solid session in the wind. Ran them all on my own as Sam was ill and others doing different sessions. Looking at the times they are very consistant and hopefully can run that sort of pace on Sunday to get close to breaking 4 mins. Missed the morning run as had a late night.
Friday 16th April
7:37AM - 31:28 (5.0mi, 6:18/mi)
17:54PM - 54:37 (8.0mi, 6:50/mi)
Steady run in the evening with Matt and Tom off-road on the Heron route. Bit slow but not a bad thing to do some easier running before the 1500m on Sunday.
Saturday 17th April
7:04AM - 35:17 (5.0mi, 7:04/mi)
17:17PM - 35:00 (5.0mi, 7:00/mi)
Two easy five milers before the race on Sunday. Did the first one on my own around South Witham before work, and the other with Tom around the common and golf course. Nice to have some warm weather again!
Sunday 18th April
11:16AM - 20:00 w/u (2.5mi, 8:00/mi)
12:18PM - 4:03.5, 1500m race Lincs League 2. (0.95mi, 4:17mi)
12:34PM - 9:55 c/d (1.17mi, 8:27/mi)
16:11PM - 90:10 (14.2mi, 6:21/mi)
The race almost went to plan, however the first two laps were ran in 66s instead of the intended 64s. I led for 1k and the Tom pushed past and I didn't have the speed to go with him. The timers actually got me at 4:04 dead and Tom at 4:02.1 when everyone else got him at 4:01 and me at 4:03, I have no idea where they make their times up from. So, all in all a decent start to the season would like to have been closer to going under 4 minutes but I think a faster first lap would have done that. I can see myself running around 3:55-3:57 this season and I think Tom will go close to the 3:50 mark if he gets some decent training done this summer. Decided to do 90 mins in the evening because the weather was too nice not to. I was only going to do an hour but ended up doing the usual Sunday run near my girlfriend's house.
Total Weekly Mileage - 90 miles - Good week, even with a couple of easy runs still managed a couple of good sessions and a decent blow out at 1500m. I think I will try and do three more weeks of 90 before I run the 5000 at the county champs. Then look to cut the mileage to 70-75 after Woodbridge 10k, my hometown race, on 16th May.
Aaron (The pictures on this post are from the Turkey Trot in December 09)